Day 36

April 30 – Day 36

It is so much fun to play with the bunnies in the den each day. I love to watch them scamper around leap over our legs and then climb on us. Ellie is the cleanest bunny I have ever seen. She is constantly cleaning herself. She loves to be pet, but then she races over to the side of the room to clean herself. She probably spends more time cleaning herself than hopping around. Quynn and Charisse are still hard to tell apart, but there are more ways now. Quynn is the largest of the five bunnies so we can tell by her bigger size. She also has the longest ears. Then there is the square of orange above her left eye. Charisse has her entire lower face covered in orange fur, while Quynn has a bit more white and then the orange square shape. Ellie is also a broken orange, but she is much smaller and has the most white fur. Willow, the black tort, has lightened quite a bit. When she was smaller her coat was much darker, but now it is a richer lighter black tort color. Willow is the bunny that most likes to kiss us. She is constantly licking us with her little tongue. Penelope, the fluffiest of them all, is a beautiful cream color. She is the second smallest kit.

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